Research Article
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Affecting Growth and Sporulation of Corticium koleroga (Cke) Hoehnel
Gabisa Gidisa*
Zenebe Wubshet,
Hailu Negesa
Volume 12, Issue 3, June 2024
11 January 2024
2 February 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: A numerous production constraints have been affecting coffee production and productivity. Among the constraints, coffee diseases attacking fruits, leaves, stems and roots that reducing coffee yield and marketability are economically important across the country. Coffee thread blight disease considered as a minor for 40 years in Ethiopia is currently emerging as a significant bottleneck to the sector. Recently, the occurrence and significant damage due to this disease have been frequently reported from different coffee production areas. However, there is the lack of profiled information on intrinsic and extrinsic character of the pathogen. Hence, this study was initiated to determine the effect of temperature and artificial media on the growth and sporulation of C. koleroga. Collected sample from Metu sub-center have been isolated and purified. Then after, purified isolate was characterized on five different artificial media namely PDA, MEA, Sabouraud, yeast and Czapeck and three temperatures (20, 25 and 30°C) ranges for growth and sporulation. The result revealed, there was a significant difference (P<0.001) among media and temperature ranges in the sporulation and radial growth rate of the pathogen. The fastest radial growth 3.57 and 3.51mm/day was recorded from PDA and Sabouraud media when incubated at 25°C, respectively. Whereas, the lowest growth rate was observed on yeast extract agar. On the other hand, the highest spore amount (116 spores/ml) was recorded from Sabouraud medium followed by potato dextrose agar and Yeast extract agar media at 25°C. The study confirmed that the three media (Sabouraud, Yeast extract agar and potato dextrose agar) with 25°C temperature are the best combination for proper radial growth and sporulation of Corticium koleroga. In general future studies should focus on alternative intrinsic and extrinsic factors for the growth and sporulation of this pathogen.
Abstract: A numerous production constraints have been affecting coffee production and productivity. Among the constraints, coffee diseases attacking fruits, leaves, stems and roots that reducing coffee yield and marketability are economically important across the country. Coffee thread blight disease considered as a minor for 40 years in Ethiopia is currentl...
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Research Article
Optimizing Wheat Yield: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Inorganic Fertilizer Rates and Varietal Selection in Kofele, Ethiopia
Debela Bekele*,
Fasil Shimalis,
Zenebe Mulatu,
Almaz Admasu,
Dereje Dobocha,
Wogayehu Worku
Volume 12, Issue 3, June 2024
19 February 2024
5 March 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: Wheat is one of the globally produced and marketed cereal crops which cover 15% of the total sowing areas of cereal crops in the world. The low productivity of wheat in Ethiopia is mainly attributed to lack of improved agronomic practices. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the major important elements for crop yield. But there is lack of information on optimum fertilizer rate for wheat production in this area (Kofele district of West Arsi zone). Therefore the objective of this research was to determine the optimum nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rate for wheat at Kofele district. This experiment was conducted for two consecutive years in 2016 and 2017 main cropping season. The treatment has two factors (three bread wheat varieties:- Digalu, Dendea and Didase and fertilizer rates: - 73kg/ha of nitrogen and 69kg /ha of P2O5, 109.5kg/ha of nitrogen and 103.5kg/ha of P2O5, 146kg/ha of nitrogen and 138kg/ha of P2O5 and 46kg/ha of nitrogen and 181kg/ha of NPS:-19:38:7). The analyzed data indicated that plant height and seeds per spike of bread wheat was highly significantly affected by main effect of variety. Highest plant height (128.33cm) and seeds per spike (42.1) were recorded from variety Dendea. Spike length was significantly affected by main effect of variety. The longest spike length (8.3) was recorded from variety Hidase. Wheat grain yield was significantly affected by interaction effect at (p<0.05). Variety Hidase produced the highest grain yield of 6904.4kg/ha at 146kg/ha of nitrogen and 138kg/ha of P2O5. Above ground dry weight of wheat was significantly affected by interaction effect. The highest above ground dry weight 18.9 ton/ha of wheat was produced from variety Digalu at 73kg/ha of nitrogen and 69kg/ha of P2O5. Therefore, to get the highest benefit farmers should grow variety Hidase by applying 146kg/ha of nitrogen and 138kg/ha of P2O5 at this area.
Abstract: Wheat is one of the globally produced and marketed cereal crops which cover 15% of the total sowing areas of cereal crops in the world. The low productivity of wheat in Ethiopia is mainly attributed to lack of improved agronomic practices. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the major important elements for crop yield. But there is lack of information on o...
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Research Article
Optimizing Growth Regulators for Micropropagation of Industrially Adaptable Eucalyptus Hybrids
Volume 12, Issue 3, June 2024
23 May 2024
11 June 2024
27 June 2024
Abstract: Eucalyptus is one of the highly economic tree species in the developing countries like India. In the present investigation, experiments on optimizing plant growth regulators in the micropropagation of promising inter specific Eucalyptus hybrid clones namely TNPL 191(E. camaldulensis× E. teriticornis), TNPL 192 (E. camaldulensis × E. pellita) and intra specific hybrid clone TNPL 193 (E. camaldulensis× E. camaldulensis) were conducted, following standard protocols developed for Eucalyptus. The results showed that the BAP concentration of 0.50 mg L-1 for bud induction, IAA concentration of 3.0 mg L-1 for shoot elongation and IBA concentration of 1.0 mg L-1 for rooting of all these clones were found optimal. However, these three hybrid clones responded differently to the concentration of BAP at shoot proliferation stage. While the hybrid TNPL 191 showed maximum shoot proliferation rate at the concentration of 0.2 mg L-1 of BAP, the hybrids TNPL 192 and TNPL 193 showed highest response at 0.15 mg L-1. All the in vitro rooted plantlets were acclimatized successfully to the prevailing natural environment. Thus, the protocols developed with respect to optimizing the plant growth regulators can be adapted in large scale micro propagation of inter and intra specific Eucalyptus hybrid clones.
Abstract: Eucalyptus is one of the highly economic tree species in the developing countries like India. In the present investigation, experiments on optimizing plant growth regulators in the micropropagation of promising inter specific Eucalyptus hybrid clones namely TNPL 191(E. camaldulensis× E. teriticornis), TNPL 192 (E. camaldulensis × E. pellita) and in...
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